
Top-level package for alifedata-phyloinformatics-convert.


alife_dataframe_to_biopython_tree(df[, ...])

Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as a biopython tree.

alife_dataframe_to_biopython_trees(df[, ...])

Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as zero or more biopython trees, depending on the number of clades with no common ancestor.

alife_dataframe_to_dendropy_tree(df[, ...])

Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as a dendropy tree.

alife_dataframe_to_dendropy_trees(df[, ...])

Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as zero or more dendropy trees, depending on the number of clades with no common ancestor.


Extract an adjacency representation for an alife standard dataframe.

alife_dataframe_to_ete_tree(df[, setattrs, ...])

Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as a ete tree.

alife_dataframe_to_ete_trees(df[, setattrs, ...])

Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as zero or more ete trees, depending on the number of clades with no common ancestor.

alife_dataframe_to_networkx_digraph(df[, ...])

Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as a networkx directed graph.


Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as a phylotrackpy Systematics object.


Convert a anytree tree to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards.

biopython_tree_to_alife_dataframe(tree[, ...])

Convert a biopython phylogenetic tree to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life communit data format standards.

dendropy_tree_to_alife_dataframe(tree[, ...])

Convert a dendropy phylogenetic tree to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life communit data format standards.


Create a SciPy linkage matrix from a DendroPy Tree object.

ete_tree_to_alife_dataframe(tree[, exportattrs])

Convert a ete phylogenetic tree to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life communit data format standards.


Convert a networkx digraph to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards.


Convert a phylotrackpy Systematics object to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards.


Create a DendroPy Tree object from a SciPy linkage matrix.


RosettaTree(tree[, validate])

Adapter class for implicit conversion between tree representations across phylogenetic libraries.



Adapter class for implicit conversion between tree representations across phylogenetic libraries.


Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as a biopython tree.


Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as zero or more biopython trees, depending on the number of clades with no common ancestor.


Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as a dendropy tree.


Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as zero or more dendropy trees, depending on the number of clades with no common ancestor.


Extract an adjacency representation for an alife standard dataframe.


Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as a ete tree.


Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as zero or more ete trees, depending on the number of clades with no common ancestor.


Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as a networkx directed graph.


Open a phylogeny dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards as a phylotrackpy Systematics object.


Convert a anytree tree to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards.


Convert a biopython phylogenetic tree to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life communit data format standards.



Convert a dendropy phylogenetic tree to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life communit data format standards.


Create a SciPy linkage matrix from a DendroPy Tree object.


Convert a ete phylogenetic tree to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life communit data format standards.


Convert a networkx digraph to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards.


Convert a phylotrackpy Systematics object to a dataframe formatted to the artificial life community data format standards.


Create a DendroPy Tree object from a SciPy linkage matrix.